Agenda Parish Council Meeting 5th March 2019
ase find below the agenda for the Parish Council Meeting on the 5th March 2019 at 7:30pm in Chetton Village Hall.
ase find below the agenda for the Parish Council Meeting on the 5th March 2019 at 7:30pm in Chetton Village Hall.
Please find below the draft minutes of the Chetton Parish Council meeting on the 7th January 2019
Please find below the agenda for the Parish Council Meeting on the 8th January 2019 at 7:30pm in Chetton Village Hall.
Please find below the draft minutes of the Chetton Parish Council meeting on the 6th November 2018
Please find below the draft minutes of the Chetton Parish Council meeting on the 5th September 2018 CPC Minutes 20180905
Please find below the agenda for the Parish Council Meeting on the 6th November 2018 at 7:30pm in Chetton Village Hall. CPC Agenda 20181106
Please find below the draft minutes of the Chetton Parish Council meeting on the 3rd July 2018 CPC_Minutes_20180703
Please find below the agenda for the Parish Council Meeting on the 4th September 2018 at 7:30pm in Chetton Village Hall. CPC Agenda 2018-09-04
Please find below the agenda for the Parish Council Meeting on the 3rd July 2018 at 7:30pm in Chetton Village Hall. CPC Agenda 2018-07-03
Please find below the draft minutes of the Chetton Parish Council meeting on the 1st May 2018 CPC Mins 2018-05-01
Please find linked below the Annual Governance Statement, the Accounting Statements and the Annual Internal Audit report for 2017/8 for Chetton Parish Council CPC_Audit_03_2018
Chetton Parish Council NOTICE OF PUBLIC RIGHTS AND PUBLICATION OF UNAUDITED ANNUAL GOVERNANCE & ACCOUNTABILITY RETURN ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2018 Each year the smaller authority’s Annual Governance and Accountability Return...
Please find below the draft minutes of the Chetton Parish Council meeting on the 6th March 2018 CPC Minutes 2018-03-06
Chetton Parish Council The Annual Parish and Annual General meeting of the Council Will be held on Tuesday, 1st May, 2018 At 7.30 pm in Chetton Village Hall All parishioners are welcome to attend. ...
Please find below the agenda for the Parish Council Meeting on the 6th March 2018 at 7:30pm in Chetton Village Hall. CPC Agenda 2018-03-06
Please find below the draft minutes of the Extraordinary Planning Meeting of Chetton Parish Council on the 8th February 2018 CPC Minutes Extra Ordinary Meeting 2018-02-08
Please find below the draft minutes of the Chetton Parish Council meeting on the 2nd January 2018 CPC Minutes 2018-01-02
Please find below the agenda for the Parish Council Meeting on the 2nd January 2018 at 7:30pm in Chetton Village Hall. The meeting will commence with an open session to allow Parishioners to join...
Please find below the draft minutes of the Chetton Parish Council meeting on the 7th November 2017 CPC Minutes 2017-11-07
Please find below the agenda for the Parish Council Meeting on the 7th November 2017 at 7:30pm in Chetton Village Hall CPC Nov17 Agenda
Please find below the draft minutes of the Chetton Parish Council meeting on the 5th September 2017 Parish Council Minutes 2017-09-05
Please find below the agenda for the Parish Council Meeting on the 5th July 2017 at 7:30pm in Chetton Village Hall CPC Agenda 2017-09-05
Please find below the draft minutes of the Chetton Parish Council meeting on the 4th July 2017 CPC Draft Minutes 2017-07-04
Please find below the draft minutes of the Chetton Parish Council meeting on the 16th May 2017 Chetton PC Mins 2017-05-16
Notice of appointment of date for the exercise of public rights Accounts for the year ending 31st March 2017