Parish Council Minutes 7th Nov 2017
Please find below the draft minutes of the Chetton Parish Council meeting on the 7th November 2017 CPC Minutes 2017-11-07
Please find below the draft minutes of the Chetton Parish Council meeting on the 7th November 2017 CPC Minutes 2017-11-07
Please find below the agenda for the Parish Council Meeting on the 7th November 2017 at 7:30pm in Chetton Village Hall CPC Nov17 Agenda
Please find below the draft minutes of the Chetton Parish Council meeting on the 5th September 2017 Parish Council Minutes 2017-09-05
Please find below the agenda for the Parish Council Meeting on the 5th July 2017 at 7:30pm in Chetton Village Hall CPC Agenda 2017-09-05
Please find below the draft minutes of the Chetton Parish Council meeting on the 4th July 2017 CPC Draft Minutes 2017-07-04
Please find below the draft minutes of the Chetton Parish Council meeting on the 16th May 2017 Chetton PC Mins 2017-05-16
The next meeting of the Chetton Parish Council will be on Tuesday 4th July 2017 at 7.30pm in Chetton Village Hall. Ben Walker of Connecting Shropshire will be present to answer Parishioners’ questions about Broadband...
Please find linked below the agenda for the Annual General Meeting of Chetton Parish Council to be held at Chetton Village Hall on the 16th May 2017 (after the Annual Parish Meeting) CPC AGM...
Please find linked below the agenda for the Chetton Annual Parish meeting to be held at Chetton Village Hall at 7.30pm on the 16th May 2017 CPC APM Agenda 20170516 Also please find below...
The next meeting of the Chetton Parish Council will be on Tuesday 7th March 2017 at 7.30pm in Chetton Village Hall. Please find below the agenda and the draft Minutes of the meeting 3rd January 2017...
The next meeting of the Chetton Parish Council will be on Tuesday 3rd January 2017 at 7.30pm in Chetton Village Hall. Please find below the agenda and the draft Minutes of the meeting 1st...
The next meeting of the Chetton Parish Council will be on Tuesday 1st November 2016 at 7.30pm in Chetton Village Hall. Please find below the agenda and the draft Minutes of the meeting 6th Sept 2016...
The next meeting of the Chetton Parish Council will be on Tuesday 6th September 2016 at 7.30pm in Chetton Village Hall. Please find below the agenda, the draft Minutes of the meeting 5th July...
The Annual Parish Meeting followed by The Annual General Meeting of the Parish Council Will be held on Tuesday, 3rd May, 2016 At 7.30 pm in Chetton Village Hall All parishioners are welcome to...
The next meeting of Chetton Parish Council will be at 7:30pm on the 1st March 2016 in Chetton Village Hall. All parishioners are welcome to attend. Please find below the agenda CPCAgenda2016-03-01
Please find below the draft minutes for the Parish Council Meeting on the 3rd February 2016. DraftCPCMinutesExtraordinaryMeeting2016-02-03
Please find below the draft minutes for the Parish Council Meeting on the 5th January 2016 at 7.30pm in Chetton Village Hall DraftCPCMinutes2016-01-05.docx
Please find below the agenda for the Parish Council Meeting on the 5th January 2016 at 7.30pm in Chetton Village Hall CPC Agenda 20160105
Please find below the draft minutes for the Parish Council Meeting on the 3rd November 2015 20151103 Draft CPC Mins
The next meeting of Chetton Parish Council will be at 7:30pm on the 3rd November 2015 in Chetton Village Hall. All parishioners are welcome to attend. Please find the agenda below Agenda CPC Meeting...
Please find below the Chetton Parish Council Extraordinary Planning meeting draft minutes from the 1st October 2015 CPC Minutes Extraordinary Planning 2015-10-01
Please find below the Chetton Parish Council meeting draft minutes from the 1st September 2015 CPC Mins 2015-09-01 Draft
Please find below the minutes of the Parish Council Annual General Meeting held on the 5th May 2015 CPC AGM 2015-05-05
Please find below the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on the 2nd March 2015 CPCmins.2.3.15
Please find below the minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on the 6th May 2014 Annual Parish Meeting 2014