Village Hall Booking Request Form

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Conditions of hire

In these Conditions, Committee means Chetton Parish Hall Management Committee.

  1. Reference to The Hall includes any part of the premises or car park.
  2. Notice of cancellation of the hire shall be given in writing fourteen days in advance.  In the absence of such notice the hirer may be held liable to pay the full charge.
  3. The Committee shall not be held liable for any loss incurred due to circumstances beyond the Committee’s control.
  4. The right to refuse any application received for the hire of the hall, or to refuse admission to any individual, without assigning any reason, is reserved by the Committee or a representative of the Committee acting on their behalf
  5. The Hirer, who must be over 21, shall be responsible for the proper and orderly use of the Hall and    for the observance of the fire, safety and health regulations, a copy of which appears below.  If the hall is hired for an event for people below the age of 21, the hirer and other responsible adults at  a  ratio of 1 to  10 under the age of 18 ,who must be the premises at all times.  The Hirer must produce the number of guests expected and a list of names and addresses of responsible adults who will be in attendance during the letting.
  6. The Hirer must obtain an Alcohol Licence for the sale of alcohol (if required) in the premises and must observe all conditions of:-     (i)  Halls Entertainment licence.  (ii) Fire Regulations 
  7. Licence –  Any event which includes entertainment  must finish and the Hall be cleared by midnight except on Friday when there is an extension until 01:00 am.  Anyone requiring a further extension to those hours or wishing to sell alcohol must inform the Village Hall booking secretary (01746 789257) before applying to Shropshire Council’s Licensing department for a ‘Temporary Event Notice’ (allow at least 10 days before the event). A copy of which must be provided to the Committee seven days before the event.  It is the hirer’s responsibility to ensure that the licensing conditions are enforced. The Committee takes no responsibility for any action taken in the event of a breach of the above condition.  A copy of the Village Hall Licence is attached to the notice board.
  8. In accordance with current fire and safety regulations, the maximum number of people to be admitted is 200 seated or 150 dancing.
  9. The Hirer shall be responsible for leaving the Hall in a clean and tidy condition and for ensuring that doors  are locked, windows closed, lights extinguished.  The hirer shall accept the responsibility for the cost of making good any damage or loss resulting from failure to observe these  conditions, also for any damage or loss occurring during the hire period.  This includes damage or loss caused by others commissioned by the hirer i.e. caterers, musicians, outside bars etc.  Any such loss or damage should be reported to the Treasurer immediately after the letting. Any damage or loss shall be assessed by the Committee whose decision thereon  shall be final. 
  10. Officers of the Committee shall have free access to and from the premises at all times.
  11. The Committee does not accept responsibility for any damage or loss of property or articles left on the premises and the Hirer shall indemnify the Committee against any resulting claims.  The Committee shall reserve the right to dispose of any such articles if not claimed within twenty eight days.
  12. The Hirer agrees to accept full responsibility for and to indemnify the Committee against all  Costs, claims and liability in respect of injury to any person present during or in connection  with the letting. 
  13. A £350  pounds refundable deposit may be required from some party/dance organisers to cover any breach of condition 9.  The deposit will be returned immediately after the function if no breach occurs.


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