How what3words can help us #KnowExactlyWhere
what3words is now used by 80% emergency services in the UK (including West Mercia Police, Shropshire Fire & Rescue Service and West Midlands Ambulance Service) and has helped to locate nearly 4,000 incidents since it first started being used. It can also be used to help us locate incidents more easily.

Their system has given every 3m square in the world a unique
identifier made of 3 words – making the location of any emergency
or incident very easy to describe and share. For example
///tortoises.swarm.announce will take you to a precise location
on Ben Nevis where, in February 2020, a group of hikers were
To report an incident using what3words:
- Download the free what3words app
- When you are at the location of the incident open the app and
tap the arrow icon for current location - Share with the emergency service, the 3 words displayed at the top of the screen
- You can also use the photo icon to take a picture of the incident
and it will automatically add its what3words address
Make sure you have it downloaded on your phone and know how to
use it, to help you have it to hand should you come across an incident or even need to guide the emergency services to your home or that of a neighbour.